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Pima Medical Institute Tucson CMS1500 Claim Form Submission Process Paper

Write a 2 pages paper   about the CMS1500 claim form and the claims submission process. Include the following: 1. An explanation of what the CMS1500 is and what it is used for. 2. Important dates and events in the creation and revision of the form. What version of the CMS-1500 became effective 1 October 2014? […]

HCA 430 PMI Tucson Informational Memorandum on Electronic Health Records Memo

EHRs have many components, functions, and attributes. Administrative staff must be educated comprehensively about all the factors that make up the EHR system. You are the Chief Information Officer of your hospital. Write a memo addressed to the senior departmental staff. Any memo format may be used. In this informational memo you will discuss, with […]